“… the manifold and tangled elements of Heritage and Burden from the Past” Patrick Geddes 1923, in Glendinning, MacInnes & MacKechnie ‘A History of Scottish Architecture from the Renaissance to the Present Day’ 1996

Where do you start when you're trying to navigate the complex process of bringing a historic building or site back to life?

It all seems so daunting but I can help you to release the potential of those unloved and underused historic buildings in our communities.

By breaking it down into stages and setting milestones, suddenly the process becomes more manageable.

Making a start
Options appraisal, Feasibility study
Community facilitation
Appointing professionals
Procurement, Working with a design team
Finding funding
Writing bids, Fundraising, Loan finance
Getting down to detail
Business planning, Conservation planning
Activity planning
On site
Project management, Managing the cash flow